Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Introduce | Duties | Contact Information |
Chen, Wei-Lu |
Overall Leadership and Supervision of the CTLD business. |
Hsu, Wen-Ching |
●Management of the selection of outstanding and excellent faculty on teaching performance. ●Management of the faculty awards (license、 competition、supervision on student’s competition) ●Management of consulting for faculty teaching evaluation. ●Management of the Interactive Response System. ●Appointment and meetings of advisory committee. ●Annual administration (regulations、meeting、calendar、 internal control and audit、 budget and reimbursement for CTLD and project funding). ●Sorting, proofreading, and transferring of official documents. ●Management of MOE teaching practice research project. ●Management of MOE virtual reality teaching materials development and teaching implementation project. ●Management of Students’ workers. ●Assist the faculty multiple promotion with recognizing the digital teaching materials. ●Assist the ‘Higher Education Sprout Project’ with the partial reimbursement & budget. |
Lai, Yu-Chen |
●Management of the professional development workshops/lectures for faculty (incl. multiple promotion). ●Management of the certification and credit of teaching learning and growth program ●Management of the faculty development group (applying、 budgeting、achievement performance). ●Management of the website of teaching development. ●Assist to promote the digital learning course. ●Execute the business related to the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Sprout Program A-3. |
Yang, Ya-Wei |
●Management of the teaching assistant (organizing、orientation、workshops、training、Insurance、evaluation、achievement performance、excellent TA selection). ●Management of Self-learning corner. ●Management of the platform of knowledge. ●Management of the website of Student learning. ●Execute the business related to the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Sprout Program A-1. |
Chen, Yu-Shen |
●Maintenance of the VR labs and facilities.(Virtual Reality Self-learning Center、VR Future Classroom,Stanford Filliped Classroom)
●Management of on-line reservation system for VR labs. ●Assist the CTLD with the data analysis. ●Execute the business related to the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Sprout Program A-2. |
Lu, Kuan-Chen |
●Management of MOE Digital Learning Course certification (technical supporting, art design and printing of posters). |